The Effects of Stress

There is more than one reason why stress comes to the fore, often with great intensity whilst trying to conceive and especially during Assisted Reproduction like IVF. The stress is multidimensional and extended.
It is important for us to examine the effects of stress before we move onto how we can effectively lower stress levels with strategies that are pro conception.

Trying to conceive or undergoing an IVF cycle is emotionally and physically stressful and can create intense anxiety at 7 levels, to name a few:
1. The loss of one’s fertility and possible loss of hope.
2. The process of IVF/IUI/AI including tests, injections, scans, partners having to produce sperm, egg retrieval and the possibility of failure at any one of these stages.
3. The “2 week wait” (2WW) whilst awaiting your pregnancy result.
4. Stress may cause eating patterns to negatively change with an increase in consumption of food and/or reduction in the quality and/or quantity of nutrients that are needed. Both which can be counter productive to conception.
5. For many couples the financial costs associated with IVF hangs over them before, during and after an IVF cycle, especially in the event of a failed cycle/s.
6. Once having conceived, the stress of spontaneous miscarriage is sometimes present.
7. Interpersonal relationship issues may surface as men and women deal with their own interpretation and emotions around infertility.

Trying to conceive takes its toll BUT you are a Mama Warrior! You just need to be reminded! You are making a miracle with love and a little science and you are about to learn some powerful tools and techniques to use on your journey.

What is Stress?
Stress is defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.”

Within the context of IVF, stress is the body’s natural reaction to change. The body reacts to change physically, mentally and emotionally. When undergoing IVF your physical body is feeling the effects of medication, emotionally this can be a time of mixed emotions and mentally, well I don’t need to tell you, your mind is all over the place!

The Effects of Stress
Stress has a physiological effect on the body. Any stress response activates the fight or flight mechanism ensuring we are alert and ready for danger. Research has shown a link between higher levels of stress, where women took 29% longer to get pregnant compared to lower levels (as measured by high levels of alpha-amylase, a stress enzyme marker.)
Your body is smart and knows that elevated stress hormones like cortisol, are not the ideal environment conducive to having a baby.

IVF can produce prolonged stress, which, over time leads to a state called “distress.” Distress occurs when there is no relaxation break in the stress challenge and as stress is compounded, over activated tension builds up. This results in wear and tear both physically and emotionally.

IVF distress can lead to symptoms that are either not conducive to pro creation and/or detrimental to your health, both of which add no value for you.
Physical symptoms that arise may include elevated blood pressure, headaches, insomnia and sexual dysfunction. You can see how all these physical symptoms, as a result of IVF stress can add only negative value whilst undergoing IVF.
Emotional symptoms are all too common and include anxiety and worry, panic attacks and depression.

Stress becomes counter productive when one engages in certain behaviours to try and reduce the stress. For example, stress has the tendency in IVF to lead to overeating or eating unhealthy food options in a process where a healthy weight and optimal nutrition is ideal. Other forms of behaviour like drinking alcohol (which is a toxin and ideally avoided) and even smoking (again not conducive to successful IVF cycles) are all stress avoidance habits that are no longer available to you….which leads to even more stress! This is how the stress cycle perpetuates itself and makes you feel stressfully overwhelmed!

The good news is that there are many easy techniques to managing stress levels down. Stress can influence the chance of conception but managing it may improve the odds.

Help is here as your support is about to begin.
Knowledge is power.
You are going to learn more about how to relax, be more in control and even enjoy the process knowing you are responding to it with pro conception techniques.
You will learn healthy supporting techniques instead of resorting to unhealthy habits or lashing out during your day because of accumulated stress. I don’t have to tell you about those unwanted stressful moments during IVF!

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